Kuruskah dia?

Blk dr keje Rabu lepas,13th may, we went to the clinic for Qistina’s 1 year routine check up. Rs mcm lama dah tak g clinic ni. hehe…bkn la mintak nk g hari2 kan, cuma tu la tandanya Qis da lama tak sakit or what so ever. Smp bole Doc pun ckp lama tak nmpk kami…see???..hehe..

Everything went well until the paed weight her. to my surprised, she lost nearly 1kg!…it is not to what we expect at all 😦  rs sedih betul la…mmg time tu upset sgt smp berubah muka ai. Ye la..mau taknye…expect dia dlm 9kg+, aleh2 8kg shj! The range for 1year old baby should be around 7.9kg –(berapa x igt la pulak)kg x silap… yg pasti 7.9 is the min weight la. Qis is only 8kg, means only 0.1kg above the border line je.

The Doc advice us to change her milk if we want her to gain her weight a bit. Changing her formula was already in our planned when she turned 1. Our opt is back to the old formula; SNOW. She consumed this before she had the pneumonia. Since she admitted, we gave her ISOMIL; by Doc advise too. But heck, it is waayyy too expensive for us! Had to bear the cost for the last 6 months, tell u!

But now, hasrat nk tukar ke SNOW mcm terpksa ditangguhkan dulu nmpknya. Doc suggest utk tukar ke PEDIASURE pulak. Dia ckp one feeding = one meal. So mcm bole memberi sinar harapan kt kami utk tgk qis tembam cam dulu..hihi…

So kita tggu la hasilnya sebulan dr sekarang ye?..jeng jeng jeng…

p/s: anda, anda dan anda, jika ada yg membaca, normal ke berat baby mcm tu yea?

Qistina turned 1!!

6 may 09

Genap la umur anak mummy ni setahun.happy birthday nur qistina ardini!  wahhh..kejap jek sayang dah setahun kan? cepat betul masa berlalu, pejam celik pejam celik sethn da..rasa mcm br smlm je mummy pregnantkan sayang ni tau. aleh2 da besar da dia

Syg mummy, sempena beday syg aritu, mummy n papa planned a birthday party for u. both us sgt excited sbb ini la our 1st party ever! as planned, lps survey here n there, wat some homeworks mummy n papa make up our plan. so KFC it is! invited guests tak ramai, mummy ajk a few relatives, close fren n best buddies je. wlau pon tak ramai, tp event sgt happening tau! for mummy la…mummy n papa sgt puas ati, tp org lain kami tak tau la….cuma ada slack; panas sbb aircond kfc tu rosak! rugi mommy tak mintak discount tau!

kitorang wat party tu hari ahadnya, 10 may bersamaan ngn mother’s day jugak, so alang2 leh celebrate sekali. mummy order cupcake from  Salina , cotton candy from my secondary skoolmate  Iera and cuppies for mother’s day were from Joanna. tak lupa jugak, sume moment pada hari tu was captured by Kak Zubye . Nk citer lelebey mummy pun tak reti, enjoyy je la piccas yea?….oh btw, juta juta lemon time kaceh to all guests yg dtg memeriahkan majlis. qis dpt byk presents!!!..ohhh mummy loikkeeee…

Insya Allah murah rezeki tahun depan kita wat lagik yea?…

Lastly to my little princess Qistina, mummy doakan supaya syg jd ank yg solehah, mndgr kata, patuh and taat pada kitorang. jadi ank kebanggaan papa n mummy ye?? Just so you know dearie; mommy n papa LVOEsssss you heapssss!!!

p/s: piccas akan di upload later yea?..wink wink..

updated:sila enjoy piccas ini, ya ampun…tggu album dr kak zubye tak sampai2 lagi..huhu….


qistina & raihana








